Why Focusing On “Likes” Is Hurting Your Business (What To Do Instead)

Here is a common scenario: You post an insightful content piece, hoping to generate some conversations with potential clients.
After 20 minutes…

Only three people have “Liked” it and may be one of your friend commented on it.

You feel all of this organic marketing is bullshit, it is inconsistent.

You feel this whole organic marketing is a sham.

But is it? Because we all know someone who is making a bank with organic marketing.

Which means organic marketing works for some people, but its not working for you…

May be because you are not doing it the right way. If you are not able to get clients from organic marketing chances are you are focusing on the wrong numbers.

The truth is if “Likes” and “Comments” don’t convert into clients they are nothing more than vanity metrics.

I personally know some influencers who regularly generate at least 200 reactions on every thing they post. Yet they can’t generate any sales from all that engagement.

A few months back, I read a story about an Instagram influencer with 1 million followers, and how she couldn’t sell 15 t-shirts.
Can you believe that?

Now here is another story to put things in perspective. Few years back, I did a Facebook live talking about how I quit the job I hated, and started my journey as an online entrepreneur.

I was so pumped, I felt like a celebrity sharing my life journey. But my Live got almost zero engagement…

Well not exactly zero, it just got 1 like. I won’t lie I was sad, I felt nobody cared about me and my journey. The next day I got a request from the woman who “Liked” that live.

Here is what she said: “Anoop, I saw your Facebook live and loved your story”.

Long story short, after a quick chat on Facebook messenger she ended up buying my $2500 coaching program.

Frankly, I would trade 200 likes that make $0 with one like that makes $2500, any day. I guess you would too…

So if you really want to start getting real results from your content. Stop worrying about engagement and start showing up every day. I notice a lot of my sales come from people who rarely engage with my content. Like they are the ones silently watching and when they are ready they just jump in.

Honestly, with technology there are so many thing that we can’t directly control like how many people click the like button.
But there is one thing that we can…

And that is to show up every day and give tremendous value..

After all “Likes” don’t pay the bills.

When you start showing up everyday you will start attracting clients, and might even get the engagement you were looking for.

Further, you will start attracting opportunities you never thought about like invitation to contribute to a famous magazine. (Last week alone I got invited to contribute to two famous magazines, and both of them saw my content on Facebook and contacted me.)

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Who is Anoop Chawla?

I am a business consultant & writer. 

With a passion for helping people turn their knowledge into an online business. 

I write about storytelling, audience building, and personal development to help you grow a business that feels aligned with your life.