The Real Reason I Struggled on LinkedIn (And How Facing My Inner Child Changed It All)

Creators on LinkedIn are growing like a weed.

I see young kids amassing 50K+ followers on LI in less than a year.

By posting simple short content.

An average post from these creators gets hundreds of likes.

A good post can get thousands of likes & 100K+ impressions.

Yes, you read that right.

Hundred thousand eyeballs from organic reach!

When I saw this, I was like:

“This is great, I like writing, I can do that.”

So I repurposed my highest-performing FB posts and posted them on LinkedIn.

But to my shock, none of them worked.

My highest-engaged LI post has 5 likes and around 300 impressions.

I am kinda ashamed to admit…

But I felt jealous of these young creators.

So I started nitpicking their content to make myself feel better.

Soon, I found myself on a Linkedin guru’s website.

Wanting to know the secret.

I was about to buy his course, but then I heard a voice inside me…

“How long will you keep fooling yourself, Anoop? It’s NOT about knowing more, it’s about who YOU are.”

The voice used harsh words but had this calmness to it.

It sounded like my true self.

So I decided to drop the idea of buying another course, and meditate instead.

I focused on my third eye and asked myself…

“What’s the reality? Why am I feeling jealous of these young kids? They are doing a great job”

And I got a memory of my dad having breakfast with my whole family, including my uncles and my grandma.

At first, this didn’t seem like the right answer.

But I stayed open, and the memory got clearer.

I witnessed my dad expressing pride in my brother, Deepak.

He was telling my uncle…

“Deepak is smart; his teachers love him. ‘However, Anoop is a different story. His teachers are constantly expressing concerns and complaining about him.’

I also saw a younger version of myself hiding behind the door, listening to this conversation. I must have been around 11 years old at that time. Although, my dad was laughing and maybe telling it as a fun story.

But the 11-year-old Anoop felt unworthy of love.

He felt he had to be like his brother to be accepted by his dad.

He felt pressured to be different than who he was.

He wanted to run away and hide.

I remember, after some time, my grades started to get worse.

My dad started getting more complaints from my school.

In that moment, I realized because of that incident, I have been creating the same result in other areas of my life.

Anytime I felt unappreciated for my efforts…

The “11-year-old Anoop” gets triggered and would take over.

As a result I want to quit, run away and hide.

That’s exactly what was happening when I would see other Linkedin creators getting engagement but not me.

So I went inside the memory as an adult (my current age) and took a look at my inner child (11-year-old Anoop).

I saw him hiding behind the door, feeling ashamed and guilty for not being good enough for his dad.

I hugged him tight and said, “I am sorry for not being there for you.” “I love you; you don’t have to be like your brother. You are perfect the way you are.”

I also told my dad that he’s wrong and that every kid is unique and smart in his own way.

After a few minutes of dialoguing with my inner child, I finally saw him smiling at me.

It was a beautiful feeling.

I felt that tingling sensation in my heart.

Tears started to roll out of my eyes.

Since then, I feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulders, and I feel like I want to write more.

I am feeling inspired by young LinkedIn creators instead of feeling jealous.

In fact, I have DMed a few creators on LI asking for tips.

Suddenly I am not behaving like a triggered 11-year-old.

It’s like my adult self is in charge again.

Just this 5 minutes of inner child meditation has made me see things differently.

But why am I telling you this story?

Because I have realized that our subconscious blocks not only prevent us from achieving what we want.

But they literally won’t let us see things the way they are.

So if you are struggling with anything in your life, including your business.

I want you to stop looking outside and look within.

The best strategy won’t work for you if your internal parts are in conflict.

But a simple strategy will make you a lot of money when you are in alignment.

That’s all for today.

P.S. Even if this exercise looks stupid to you, it’s fine. Because if it works, it doesn’t matter how stupid it looks. Personally, to me, it felt profound. Meeting my inner child after so many years felt amazing.

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Who is Anoop Chawla?

I am a business consultant & writer. 

With a passion for helping people turn their knowledge into an online business. 

I write about storytelling, audience building, and personal development to help you grow a business that feels aligned with your life.