4 Reasons Why Smart People Usually Fail In Business

Have you ever seen a really intelligent man struggling in business?

I have…

My uncle is a perfect example of this.

He has a high IQ and is great at logical reasoning.

Fuck, he even knows the Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793 and last invaded in 1066.

Still he isn’t the best at business.

I grew up hearing him complaining about how economy sucks, how the money game is rigged against him, why all rich people are evil etc.

I wanted to believe in him, but I am far too optimistic.

When I was a kid he shared with me an innocent dream that I have still not forgotten.

“One Day I Will Be So Successful That Every Night I will Return Home With A Suitcase Full Of Cash.“

His dream never came true.

Fast forward today while reflecting on my conversations with him I have found these 4 themes were part of every
conversation we have ever had.

#1 I Know It Already: Smart people read a lot and they know something about everything, but everything about nothing.So whenever anyone gives them an advice, they immediately discard it by saying something like “Yeah I know it already.
Fact: Knowing is not equal to understanding. Knowing is not enough you have to understand it, and you don’t understand something until you do it.

#2 This Won’t Work: Intelligent people are thinkers; they would analyze and compare things. They love playing things in their mind instead of real life.And while executing the plan in their mind they hit a road block, concluding the plan won’t work.
A smart man would be able to find flaws in almost every plan and hence won’t take action. But people with average intelligence can’t run everything in their head hence they have to take action to find out the results. In the process they become a success.

#3 I Will Look Stupid If I Fail: Since smart people are considered smart so they have an image to protect and failing at something may make them look like a fool. They are not ready to risk their image.

#4 Only I Can Do It: Smart people have high standards for others as well as for themselves and so they won’t accept anything less than perfect, which holds them back.

So Do You Consider Yourself Smart?

If you think are smarter than most people but are still struggling.

Stop it for your own sake.

We all have our share of talents and skills.

We are all smart at something and dumb at other things.

If you are smart at marketing there must be someone who is smarter than you at technology.

It’s the notion of “I am smarter than others” that is keeping you stuck.

Let it go.

If being smart is not helping you build a successful business try being a little dumber, try to learn from everybody, become a student for life.

You might end up making a lot more money

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Who is Anoop Chawla?

I am a business consultant & writer. 

With a passion for helping people turn their knowledge into an online business. 

I write about storytelling, audience building, and personal development to help you grow a business that feels aligned with your life.